Caremeal- 2.25

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High-Calorie Supplement Vanilla Flavour 50g Per Serving, Energy-232.50 kcal, Fat 9.25g, Protein 17.50g, CHO 20g Read more

Categories: Nutrition Division


During the management of critical illness, optimal nutritional support is an important key for achieving positive clinical outcomes. Compared to healthy people, critically

ill patients have higher energy expenditure,thereby their energy requirements and risk of being malnourished are increased.

Malnutrition in hospitalized patients is associated with cachexia, sarcopenia, and weight loss and may result in poorer pulmonary function, decreased exercise capacity, and increased risk of exacerbations. 

Higher calorie intake through nutritional supplementation significantly increases body weight and muscle strength, and improves quality of life in malnourished patients.

References: Hsieh MJI, Yang TM2, Tsai YHJF ormos Med Assoc. Nutritional supplementation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 2016 Aug;115(8):595- 601.

doi:10.10.1016/j.jfma.2015.10.008Didace Ndahimana & Eun-Kyung Kim. Energy Requirements in Critically ill Patients Clin Nutr Res.2018 Apr; 7(2): 81-90.

Direction for serving - 50g (4 Scoops) of Caremeal 2.25 should get dissolved in 60ml of water.

* 35% HBVProtein, * Low Electrolytes, * Calorie Dense 2.25 kcal/ml, * Rich in MCT, * LowGl CHO.

Specifications Descriptions
* Malnourished patients without nutritional support may fall into a vicious cycle, worsening recovery * Eradicate Malnutrition with High Energy High Protein Critical Care Nutrition.

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