Carno-3 DHA & L-Carnosine Syrup

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A Step-Ahead Supplementation For Children With Autism & ADHD Read more

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DESCRIPTION: CARNO-3 syrup belong to the category of brain development Supplement. This is helpful in treating learning disorders as like as Autism & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

(ADHD) in children. Taking CARNO-3 syrup helps in the prevention of cognitive or thinking disability as it inhibits beta-amyloid deposition in the brain. Carnosine in CARNO-3 syrup is a dipeptide of amino

acid Beta-alanine & L-histidine. It enhances nervous system functions. Carnosine works as an effective neuroprotector in neurodegenerative diseases contributing to better overall cognitive & behavioral outcomes in children with Autism &  ADHD. CARNO-3 syrup consist DHA, an essential fatty acid which demonstrate numerous benefits for nervous system in children. It helps to learn faster, develop

cognitive skills, improves social interactions, sharpen memory etc. SIDE EFFECTS: CARNO-3 is generally considered safe when taken by mouth for shocontents: Each 10ml CARNO-3 syrup contains 200mg Camosine and 100mg of DHA(10%) SIDE EFFECTS: CARNO-3 is generally considered safe when taken by mouth for short duration. Stomach upset, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting may common. However, No harmful physical side effects are reported by taking CARNO-3 syrup in children with AUTISM & ADHD. The side effects usually resolve if the dose is adjusted. Many parents

have reported that their children seems to sleep better once they are on CARNO-3 syrup.

Specifications Descriptions
CONTENTS: Each 10ml CARNO-3 syrup contains 200mg Camosine and 100mg of DHA(10%) USING LEVEL: 2 to 3 Servings twice a day. However, or as directed by advisor/ Healthcare Provider

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